As one of the most popular shows on German television, ‘Höhle der Löwen’ (or ‘Lion’s Den’ in English) has captured the hearts and minds of audiences all over the country. The show, which is an adaptation of the British program ‘Dragons’ Den’, follows a panel of successful entrepreneurs and investors as they listen to pitches from aspiring entrepreneurs hoping to secure investment for their business ideas.
But what really goes on behind the scenes of this hit show? From the casting process to the actual filming, there are a lot of moving parts that make ‘Höhle der Löwen’ the success that it is. The first step is the casting of the entrepreneurs themselves, which involves a rigorous application and audition process. The producers of the show look for a diverse range of personalities and business ideas in order to keep the show interesting and engaging for viewers.
Once the entrepreneurs are selected, the filming process begins. Unlike other reality TV shows, ‘Höhle der Löwen’ is not scripted and everything that happens on the show is genuine and unscripted. The panel of investors, which includes some of Germany’s most successful business figures, listen to pitches and ask tough questions to determine whether they want to invest in the entrepreneurs’ businesses. The filming process involves multiple takes and long